Friday 2 December 2016

3 minute best arm workout


Work Out Your Arms In Three         Minutes Flat

Hey all..!
We always want perfection in our life and as same in our body. But people who are not habitual of doing exercise face many difficulty when they decide to workout. But as beginners we should be very careful while doing exercise because cramps are very usual and then painful. Here I have a best 3 minute arm workout specially for beginners. Through this workout you can easily do your best.
Following are the exercises you have to do.

  • Arm circles
Stretch your arms like alphabet 'T' and palm face the floor.

  • Knee push-ups
Put your hands and knees on ground and then lower body in such a way that shoulders and elbows align.

  • Over head press
Bend your elbows at 90 degree then extend your arms upward fully stretched.

  • Floor triceps drips
Push your self up through arms and then lift your hips and extend your elbows. Hands behind and knees bend.

  • Knee push-ups

    Put your hands and knees on ground and then lower body in such a way that shoulders and elbows align. 
    • Bicep curls
    Straighten your arms and then pull them up towards your face. Repeat this process.

    NOTE: Do each exercise for 30 seconds.  I hope you will enjoy and get good result.
    Happy pining:)
