Sunday 29 January 2017

Guaranteed Exercises to Flatten Belly Fat Instantly


The lower belly is one of those seriously frustrating body parts, and it’s not even an entire body part, it’s part of a body part – the lower bit of your tummy.
This vexing semi-body part is the bane of anyone who’s lost weight, toned up, put in the hard work, done everything right, but just can’t seem to shift that lower belly bulge. That little belly bulge standing between you and a flat tummy. It is a tricky problem, but a fixable one. There are 3 causes of the lower belly bulge:     


Belly Fat is the most obvious and common cause of the lower belly pooch. Body fat is a funny thing. Unlike muscle that you can target and make bigger exactly where you want to, you cannot do the same with fat. There is no exercise you can do that burns fat in the specific area you want.
You just can’t. While it is immensely unfair, it is as it is. When you lose fat, your body decides from where it wants to lose it and in which order. If we could gain and lose fat where we wanted, plastic surgeons would be out of business and breast enhancement (more fat) and liposuction (less fat) would be redundant. But alas, these are the two most popular surgical procedures in the US (along with rhinoplasty).
So there you have it. You can’t decide that you’re going to lose fat from everywhere but your chest (if you’re a woman) or that you specifically want to lose fat from your belly. The lower belly can be one of the last areas from which people lose fat and because of that it appears to be stubborn fat.
This is especially true for women, as women are hormonally predisposed to store fat in the lower belly area and thighs. But shifting these last few pounds is like shifting any other, you need to control your calorie intake and exercise. If you’re not seeing results, you may need to implement a new workout routine, step up your efforts or get a little stricter with your diet.
High intensity interval training works particularly well in shifting stubborn fat. Read this article onhow to lose stubborn fat. As with everything, there’s always and exception to the rule. There is one thing you can do (apart from liposuction!) to help you lose fat speficically from your belly – change your diet. Research show that eating certain foods can specifically cause you to gain belly fat or lose belly fat. Read this belly fat dietarticle.
