Tuesday, 9 August 2016

How to dye hair with kool-aid


How to dye hair with kool-aid

As everyone wants to look gorgeous. One of them is hair dye which enhance the beauty of face . But the problem starts when we thought purity of our hairs that from dye colors purity of our hairs disturbed. Specially when its about kids. Kid's hair are very sensitive that they can effected easily by any chemical, But here we are giving you KOOL-AID from which hairs would not damage. 
So here I tell you procedure of hair dye by KOOL-AID.
1. 2 kool-aid packets
2. 2 cups of water
3. 1 saucepan
4. Disposables gloves
5. Plastic wrap 
6. Old towel
1st step: Boil water and kool-aid packets together on stove in small saucepan. Remember that it should be in  3:1 that in one cup of water there should be 3 kool-aid packets.
2nd step: When water is at rolling boil remove it from stove and put it in heat resistant container. In order to learn more about it follow the following link.
