Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Wonder Diet That Help Everyone Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks


    Wonder Diet That Help Everyone Lose 20                  Pounds in 2 Weeks

Fitness is most important thing in life. There's always some kind of worry when we are gaining weight day by day but now no need to worry because i'm sharing this diet with you that may help to loose 20 pound weight in 2 weeks an i thin this is a great news. Diet is totally based on drinking lemon water every day for two weeks. Because lemon water is used to improve digestive system because citrus  falvonoids are present in lemon that are very good for digestive system. They also help to suppress appetite. While drinking lemon water your food will digest rapidly and it helps to eat less which can led to weight loss.
Here I'll give you some lemon water plan which helps you to loose weight of 2 pounds in 14 days. Read carefully
1st day: Juice of 1 lemon and 1 cup of water 
2nd day: Juice of two lemons and two cup of water 
3rd day: Juice of 3 lemon and 3 cups of water
4th day: Juice of 4 lemons and 4 cup of water 

5th day: Juice of 5 lemons and 5 cups of water
6th day: Juice of 6 lemons and 6 cups of water 
7th day: 3 lemons and 10 cups of water mixed with a teaspoon of honey and drink drink the whole day.
8th day: Juice of 6 lemons and 6 cups of water.
9th day: Juice of 5 lemons and 5 cups of water.
Now to read more follow the following link. Must read because it really works.
