Magic Recipe for Fastest Hair Growth
Hey all..!
We had find a best hair treatment method. This method helps you to overcome hair loss and baldness. And the truth is, this method really works.
This method does not required any chemical. You can easily prepare it at home. The best thing is that you can only need three ingredients.
Following are the ingredients you need in this recipe.
- Caster oil (2 table spoons)
- Egg yolk (from 1 egg)
- Homey (1 tablespoon)
Mix all these ingredients in a bowl. Stir them well and ensure that all the ingredients are mixed well.
Apply the mixture in hair roots and on hair length. Put on shower cap and wait for 2 hours. Then wash your hairs with shampoo and conditioner. Apply this at least once a weak. Go through this treatment for 2 months. I'm sure you'll get your dream hairs.
Have a good day.. :)